

Line-following robot

Line following robot in action

This cute little robot is a culmination of a full semester of learning programming with a few of my friends. We used Arduino to make a robot follow a black line and other guides towards the end of a track. It was my first wrangle with optimizations in code so that the robot would keep up with all the information that was coming in. It was a life-changing experience and we have it on video!

To determine how to follow a line, the robot uses a whole array of sensors: Ultrasonic, IR, or touch.

Caesar and Substitution Cypher - Encryption & Decryption

Showcase of bruteforce decryption

It’s my first, big programming project written in C.

It’s a tool for encrypting and decrypting both Caesar and Substitution Cypher when given a key. It also has a dictionary-based decryption for Caesar Cypher, which is shown in the video. This program has definitely the biggest amount of lines in one file I’ve ever written…

Fully automated wine cellar

Cellar showcase

This wine cellar, which I built with my dad from ground up, was my biggest hardware-related project. What first started off as creating a simple up/down switch to just open up the hatch, turned into a fully automated, climate controlled bunker used for storing food, wine, and other things.

The cellar is programmed using a state machine mindset in Arduino language, though I’ve since rewritten it with C++, so I could have an easier time upgrading it later. I’m still pushing through making it work, because I’ve only had contact with C++ during this project, and I’m yet to wield it’s power and utilise it to the fullest. I’ve overcome many hurdles, like learning to debounce buttons (which is not a thing in Web Dev) or overspecing power supplies, due to more power draw of an electric engine during startup.

The program now controls humidity, temperature and lighting autonomously through a dehumidifier, heater and RGB lighting. It also displays all of these stats on an OLED screen.

The biggest challenge though, was to create a non-blocking program, without delays. This was harder said than done, as there is quite a lot going on for such a small CPU, but I’m quite sure it’s ok now.

Have a look at my code, and maybe help me with C++.., please? ;)

Here is the arduino code and here’s the C++ code